About this project:

World Wide Life Humanitarian Partnership Society focuses on promoting the Christian Faith through teaching and combatting the extreme poverty cycles that lead to the rampant human trafficking Thailand is all too well known for. Their primary focus is on working with the Northern Thai Mountain populations, particularly Hill Tribe Youth.

FGC # F665

Program Countries: Thailand

Website: https://humanitarianpartnership.com/

Team Lead:

Rev. Brian and Rev. Karen Shaben- Canada – Missionaries in Thailand

Team Members:

Canada Team:

Linda Soles
Jim Marten
Henry Zukowski  (Reverend with the CMA)
Brian West (Director, & Reverend with the Christian Ministers Association of Canada (CMA))

USA Team:

Steve Cowie

Email: info@humanitarianpartnership.com

Canada Phone: 236-425-2046

Skype Phone: 1-206-905-9742

Thailand Phone: 063 125 5301

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