About this project:

Fida International aims to bring hope and a better future to the poorest of the poor. In particular, we are working to improve the rights of vulnerable children. Our goal is to share the Gospel, plant churches, and equip them to start their own holistic mission work. The objective of our missionary work is to plant new churches that are financially, administratively and theologically independent so that they, in turn, become sending churches.  Loving others by serving the poor and oppressed has always been an inseparable part of Fida’s Christian mission. The objective of our development work is to build peace, promote justice, and strengthen human dignity. The objective of our Relief work is to saves lives, alleviate suffering and strengthen human dignity. We comply with international humanitarian aid principles, quality standards and ethical guidelines.

FGC # F642

Program Countries: Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Website: https://www.fida.info/en/

Team Lead: Daniel Korpela

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