About This Project:

Faith Works Language Initiative serves Bible translation and literacy needs of minority communities in Nigeria.

An estimated 150 minority languages in Nigeria do not yet have any portion of scripture in written form. This represents millions of people who are yet to experience the blessing of being able to read God’s Word in their heart languages. In some of the communities that do have portions of translated scripture, illiteracy prevents a significant percentage of the people from being able to read the Word for themselves. This “blocked access” is particularly pronounced in the rural areas, and among women and the elderly.

Our posture at Faith Works Language Initiative is to come alongside stakeholders in our partner communities to identify their specific translation and literacy needs and to develop the best approach to address those needs. We encourage local church-community participation in and ownership of every step of the process from mobilization to team selection to translation, literacy, and scripture engagement activities. We are trusting God to use our integrated translation and literacy strategy to facilitate effective evangelism in these communities.

Please GIVE NOW to support Bible translation and literacy in minority communities in Nigeria

FGC # F1267

Program Countries:



Serving Bible Translation Needs in Nigeria – faithworksinitiative.org

Team Lead:

Rachel Agheyisi

Help By Giving