About this project:

James 2: 15 -16 “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without given them the things needed for the body what good is that?

At Jinkai Initiative, we work with children and their families who have been adversely impacted by the ethno-religious clashes in Northern and North Central Nigeria. We are particularly passionate about alleviating mental and emotional trauma resulting from these crisis in order to allow healthy communities to thrive and break the cycle of violence.

Since 2016 we have journeyed with over 200 children  who sought and found refuge at the House of Recab Jos, Nigeria. They and their families had been displaced from Northeastern Nigeria by the Boko Haram insurgency. We are also aware of the acute needs of many other vulnerable children and persons who are victims of clashes between Fulani militia and local farmers.  We commit to continue to serve as we feel led to journey with these folks as they rebuild their lives.

FGC # F672

Program Countries: Nigeria

Team Lead: Emmanuel Gye

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