Our vision is to obey the great commission by making disciples that multiply, among people from Armenia and surrounding nations.


Engaging the lost

– Building meaningful relationship that lead to discovering God

– Responding to practical needs

– Facilitating Discovery Bible Studies among non-believers

Mobilizing prayer

– Developing prayer partnerships with believers around the world

– Facilitating strategic prayer meetings locally and globally

– Multiplying and coaching prayer habits among believers

Mobilizing believers in the above

– Facilitating disciple making communities

– Coaching and training

– Modeling a lifestyle of a disciple maker

More about our context:

Why give to this project?

Your donations make it possible for us to meet practical needs of lost people, while helping us put all of our time towards disciple-making, and engaging the lost. What we want to see is multiplication movements among these people and we can’t do that without the power of God, and large amounts of prayer! Would you partner with us through prayer and finances?

FGC # F1230

Program Countries: Armenia

Team Lead: Josh and Zoe Hendrix

Email: joshandzoehendrix@gmail.com

Phone: +374 93 177699

Help By Giving