Our vision at Mujeres Nuevo Comienzo A.C. (MNC) is to provide a safe home to abused, abandoned and shattered women and their children with a desire to see them experience healing through a personal encounter with God. In helping women discover their value and purpose in life and cultivating confidence in themselves, women are encouraged and empowered to pursue restoration and restructuring of their families.

Our mission at MNC is to be a place where women are spiritually nourished, loved unconditionally, provided with essentials like food, clothing, and a safe shelter, taught basic literacy and life skills, and trained in work skills. Since opening our doors in 2011 in rural Baja California, Mexico, we have been a beacon of hope for women and children who have been victims of abuse and trafficking. Over a decade later, MNC continues to uplift and support vulnerable families by offering a 13-room facility where they can reside together and receive care.

FGC # F1479

Program Countries: Mexico

Website: https://www.mncfreshstart.org

Team Lead: David and Marisol Preuss

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