At Streams Studio, we exist to remind at-risk believers of the beauty of a relationship with Jesus.

Typically in the Church today, many of the resources created fall into one of two camps: discipleship or evangelism. On the discipleship end, the resources are mostly built for the engaged to go deeper. On the end of evangelism, the resources are built for the unengaged to be reached.

But what about the disengaging or disengaged? Those who are on their way out or have left the church entirely?

While there are plenty of resources for discipleship and evangelism, we see a “space between” that is under-resourced. In this space is the at-risk believer – the one who is suffering, drifting, distancing, coasting, and on the edge of abandoning their faith altogether.

At Streams Studio, these are the people we want to see enlivened once again by Jesus and his gospel.

By producing authentic video content with a range of leading Christian communicators, and sharing them on social media in easily shareable, attention grabbing ways, we are reaching hundreds of thousands of individuals who find themselves standing at the backdoor of the Church.

Give to Streams Studio, and join us as we do our part to close the backdoor of the Church.

Why give to this project?

Today at Streams Studio, we are seeing our resources widely and personally impact disaffected believers around the world.

Currently, our platforms reach 165,000+ people, with 25+ million views since we began. Every view is an opportunity for Jesus to interrupt someone’s life again. Like what Johnny in Scotland experienced: “It was 3am on a dark, February morning. I reached for my phone and began scrolling to distract myself. The first video I came across was from Streams. Through this video, I could almost hear God saying ‘if you reach out again, I will be with you.’ That night, after many years of silence between us, I admitted my shortcomings and returned back to God & his love.”

Your giving enables us to continue producing authentic content so we can tell more stories like Johnny’s.


FGC # F1457

Program Countries: United Kingdom


Team Lead: David Lochhead

Help By Giving