The Tusekwile Imiti Ikula Foundation is a community-based nonprofit organization based in Sansamwenje Community in the Isoka District of Northern Zambia. TIIF is dedicated to providing access to quality education to the most vulnerable and marginalized children and youth in our community. Through our privately-operated school and community educational programs, we aim to empower children with the knowledge and skills they need to build better lives for themselves and their families.

Why give to this project?

Help break the cycle of poverty in rural Zambia forever through education. Don’t let a generation of kids grow up without the hope and opportunity they deserve. A gift of $25 today supports a vulnerable child with quality education for an entire month.

FGC # F1290

Program Countries: Zambia


Team Lead:

Kelvin Nsekwila

Team Members:

Kelvin Nsekwila, Siame John and Lengwe Mirriam

Help By Giving