FGC & GCF News2020-11-26T14:17:23-08:00


Kwiverr – Thought Leadership | Catalyzing Movements

December 26th, 2023|News|

DONATE NOW In the dynamic landscape of ministry, the call to advance the Great Commission remains as crucial as ever. However, the journey is not without its share of obstacles. Ministries frequently encounter roadblocks that hinder their progress, whether due to limited resources or a lack of strategic direction. Strategic empowerment can be the key to overcoming these hurdles and propelling ministries, leaders, creatives, and movements to the next level of impact. Kwiverr emerged from a profound desire to witness empowered internationals creating positive impacts worldwide, particularly within flourishing missional communities among unreached people groups. Fueled by [...]

GoodSeed Canada – See, Hear, and Understand the Gospel

December 15th, 2023|News|

DONATE NOW We live in a world where spirituality is in, and the Bible is out. God is anything we make him out to be, and a growing majority believes that he is nothing more than an impersonal force; Utilizing a seldom-used, but solidly biblical method. GoodSeed Canada advocates for universal access to the core message of the Bible—the gospel of God's grace—believing that everyone should have the freedom to either accept or reject it without coercion or fear. The organization offers tools and training to communicate the central message of the Bible clearly, tailoring resources for [...]

Water’s Edge Ministries – Reflect, Refresh, Restore

December 11th, 2023|News|

DONATE NOW Divorce has become a noticeable part of our everyday lives in the U.S., and the stats from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) really drive that home. Back in 2019, they reported a divorce rate of 2.7 per 1,000 people, showing just how common it is for couples to face challenges in keeping their relationships going strong. It's not just one thing causing this – everything from communication troubles to financial stress and compatibility issues can throw a curveball into the mix. Understanding these factors helps us see the real, human side of the [...]

The Luke Commission – Healing Hearts and Bodies

December 1st, 2023|News|

DONATE NOW In the heart of southern Africa lies Eswatini, a nation grappling with the highest rate of HIV/AIDS infection globally, standing at a staggering 26%. In the face of this health crisis, The Luke Commission (TLC) has emerged as a beacon of hope, tirelessly working to provide comprehensive and compassionate healthcare to the most isolated and underserved populations of Eswatini. The Foundation and Mission: Founded in 2005 by Dr. Harry and Echo VanderWal, TLC has evolved into a force of over 650 staff members, with an impressive 98% of them being Emaswati. Their mission, succinctly put, is [...]

Gateway to Hope Romania

November 24th, 2023|News|

DONATE NOW In 1991, the journey to Romania began for a compassionate couple who adopted a baby girl born in the country. After a quarter of a century, an unexpected opportunity led them back to Romania, specifically to the village of Rasa, where they immersed themselves in spreading God's love and addressing the immediate physical needs of their neighbors. Recognizing the urgency for long-term solutions to combat the prevailing poverty and abandonment, the couple, with Reinhard's expertise in construction, established a construction company that not only provided employment to local young men but also became a transformative platform [...]

Rescue Cambodia – Raising Them Up

November 16th, 2023|News|

DONATE NOW Established in 2003 and officially recognized by the Cambodian government, Songkrua Chun Aus Songkum (Rescue) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to supporting families affected by AIDS, orphaned children, and elderly women facing destitution. With a mission to provide a sanctuary for those in need, Rescue operates three centers strategically located throughout Cambodia: Rescue I near Bek Chan, just outside Phnom Penh; Rescue II in Mongkol Borey in the north; and Rescue III, situated near the Cardamon Mountains in Pailin, close to the Thai border. Additionally, Rescue manages three University Dorms, known as 'House of New Dreams,' [...]

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